Wednesday 28 March 2012

THE GOLDEN RATIO = 1.61803399

I got inspired by the picture of exercise 1 in lecture.... the golden ratio

For exercise 1, I did try to create one and here's the result

I made it more complicated and somehow made viewers illusive.
import math

def setup():

def Xfunction(z):
    return 300.*math.cos(1.6180339887*z)
def Yfunction(z):
    return 300.*math.sin(3.14*z)
def draw():
    lx = Xfunction(0.) + 300
    ly = Yfunction(0.) + 300
    for i in range(1, 600.):
        z = i / 10.
        x = Xfunction(z) + 300
        y = Yfunction(z) + 300
         line(lx, ly, x, y)
        line(ly, lx, y, x)
        lx = x
        ly = y

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